Welcome to The Diner!
It’s season two and you won’t want to miss out. Come sit at the counter of our virtual diner and let us serve you a slice of mental pie! It’ll go good with a cup of coffee, then you get your refreshed self back to the fray with a few new beautiful thoughts to think.
In this episode we begin our discussion of gender which, as we all know, is a highly relevant topic these days.
In order to discuss the vision of gender as expressed in The Ethics of Beauty, we first have to discuss chiasm — what it is and why it’s important.
After listening take a little time to think about where you may have encountered chiasm and why you think it is important to the discussion of gender, and keep the discussion going in the comments!
And don’t forget to check out Laura’s new sex ed curriculum: Sex Ed for Sane People
It’s “…a sex education curriculum written from an Orthodox perspective, from an author with a bachelor's degree in biology. Written for high school students on the cusp of adulthood, with the prerequisite of high school biology, this course introduces concepts in anatomy and physiology, embryology, theology, and ethics. This material is framed and presented as an expression of religious freedom.”
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