By this time in the year many homeschooling families are wrapping up their school work, getting ready for the summer.
Whether we’ve finished all our scheduled work (not me, ever), or whether we’ve called it off early because there are so many other things we’d rather be doing (usually me), one way or another we have reached the point where we are finished with the past year and are gearing up to think about the coming one.
There are as many ways to plan as there are people who do it, so I will not attempt to tell you how. Instead I’d like to offer some reflective questions to think through as you bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new.
Taking some time to think through where we’ve been and where we’re going is always a useful exercise, whether we sit down and write out every detail or simply talk it over with a friend.
The attached PDF of reflection questions is meant to be a help as you move forward into planning your next year. Answer as many or as few as you like — take what’s useful, leave the rest — and remember that there are no right answers to these questions. Be honest, first of all with yourself. The rest will follow.
Thank you for sharing this list of questions to ponder when planning for our next year of homeschooling 😊🥰