If you have read our book (or heard us talk about it in various interviews) you may know that we are largely not present in the online world — at least not in its hydra-like social media manifestations. You will not find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter X, Tiktok, or any other of the seemingly innumerable public platforms currently in existence, and that has been a deliberate choice on our part. We have both chosen to (mostly) distance ourselves from online communities in order to help ourselves stay engaged with our families and the plentiful responsibilities attendant on home educating mothers.
On the other hand, however, we both recognize that there are advantages to be found in online engagement; after all, we would never have “met” if it weren’t for the internet and it’s highly unlikely that either one of us would have undertaken to write Patterns for Life on our own.
So in the spirit of trying to strike a balance, and of encouraging others to do the same, we are venturing into the world of substack, where we hope to share our thoughts without too much noise, and to encourage those who find them interesting along the way.
We have Ideas in the works for content, some of which may come into existence, others of which may never see the light of day.
We hope to publish regularly, but we are not committing to a set schedule because first things must come first, and life sometimes happens. But however this new adventure plays out, we are glad to have you adventuring along with us!
May our efforts — and yours — to live the life in Christ be blessed and fruitful.
I am excited about this, and interested to explore this new (to me) online arena. I need to do a little restructuring of my online habits, but it is nice to have fruitful discussions, and I am looking forward to your content.